There are fewer things better on a hot Summer day than an ice cream sandwich, especially here in Las Vegas where the days are literally scorching! I mean, refreshing ice cream on its own is heaven, but sandwich it between two cookies… seriously the best! I have to say I’m partial to the ones made with fresh baked cookies {chocolate chip cookies ~ yum!}, but my daughter definitely enjoys the traditional ones.
Eating these delectable treats can sometimes be super messy, so why not transform into… what else, but fondant?! Check out the full ice cream sandwich tutorial on the Craftsy blog, including the step-by-step instructions to re-create a variety of melt-free fondant treats to top your cupcakes and various sweets! And take advantage of the chocolate chip cookie tutorial for your next milk and cookies or Cookie Monster themes!
And don’t forget the ice cream cone topper tutorial to supplement your sweet cupcake toppers to be enjoyed any time of the year, regardless of the weather!
Merci Beaucoup!

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